Thursday, 28 August 2014

Music & Me

The first song is Shaggy "It wasn't me" this is a song from my childhood because I used to listen to it when I was younger. The story behind this song is I used to always get blamed for stuff when I was a kid and it wasn't me so I can relate.

This is song is The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus "False Pretense" this is a song that I listened to all last summer. It doesn't have a special meaning it just reminds me of the stuff I did last summer.

This song is Eminem "No love" this song is one that I have listened to in the past few years. This is a song I always listen to when I'm feeling down or having a bad day and it somehow makes me feel better.

Thursday, 21 August 2014



Auteur - The director has full control over the artistic style and the artist does not have any say in how the music video will be directed. The director will also include themselves in their videos (Michel Gondry poster in Kyle Minogue video). 

Chris Cunningham

Chris Cunningham is a British video artist from Reading who is a music video autuer that takes a horror style approach to his music videos. His videos are dark, creepy and disturbing for the audience, he uses canted angles to connote his own messages of the single. In the video below Aphex Twins "Come to daddy" you can see the dark and disturbing approach he uses for his work as this is the prime example of this, he gives the video a dark connotation.

Michel Gondry

Michel Gondry is a French film director, he is an auteur that is renown for his manipulation of mise en scene. One of the most famous music videos he has done "Come into my world" Kylie Minogue emphasises his belief in Metamodernism. Which is the principle that challenges the fact if you would do the same things if you lost your memory. He has also done music videos for Mio Doi Todd "Open your heart" and Paul McCartney "Dance tonight". His manipulation of mise en scene is what makes him one of the most known auteurs as his music videos are so immersive that you only focus on the video and not the actual song.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Music Video Analysis - Thriller

Thriller Analysis

Instant Impact
The video (released in 1983) is one of the most successful and well-known music videos of all time, and was made the most successful video of all time by the Guinness book of world records in 2006.

Non-Linear Editing
There is no non-linear editing in this music video as the music video is filmed with a narrative.

The only beat of the song is repetitive as well as the dancing.

Strong Sense of Artist Identity
This music video does show Michael Jackson's artist identity as the choreography of the dancing is the type of dancing he does in most of his videos. Also the clothing he is wearing is similar to what he wears in other videos.

A Performance
The performance is the dance routine

Visual Pleasures
This is also the choreography and the content of the video (zombies)

Wow Factor
This is once again the dancing and the content of the video

Provoke a Reaction
People was amazed by the content of the video and the fact that it is pretty much a small movie as well as a movie video

Works on Different Levels
Even people who didn't like the song was amazed by the content of the video and also it was shot as a mini movie and a music video, it is 13 minutes long

Pop Culture
This video massively dictated pop culture and the dancing in the video was known worldwide and at the time integrated itself successfully into pop culture.

Sunday, 17 August 2014

A2 Introduction


Welcome to my A2 Media Studies blog, throughout this year I will be analysing different types of music videos, soft wares and concepts to help me create my own music video. Looking back at my AS media blog I know that I did not do the best that I could have possibly did and ended the year with a D grade in coursework. Considering that I achieved an A grade in the exam part of the course I know that I must find out what went wrong in my coursework last year and make sure that I do not repeat the same mistakes. I plan on conducting more thorough research and ensuring that I give myself the best knowledge when it comes to creating my music video. I will make sure that I apply myself to a greater standard compared to last year in order to produce the most creative and innovative music video that I can at the end of the course.

This is an example of one of the most successful music videos of all time.