Image into text Effect
This is the first Photoshop manipulation that I have used, this one is different to the other two effects as I applied the effect to a tour poster instead of an CD cover. This is the worst production out of all three as I didn't feel I could use the effect to make the tour poster look professional.
The image was also pixelated and every image I tried to use I had the same problem with. I tried to lower the opacity of the image to help it fit on the page, however the image is too pixelated.
I think that the title shows that I can use the effect, but the tour poster also shows that I could not apply the technique effectively. I produced another tour poster after this one without using the effect because I was not happy with how this tour poster turned out.
I think that the second tour poster shows that I can use Photoshop to create a successful tour poster, and overall I think that this effect is not something I will be using for my group's tour poster or DC cover.
Dispersion Effect

This is the second Photoshop effect that I attempted. Unlike the first effect. this has been applied to an album cover, however once again I could not grasp on how to make the effect look good enough.
The image that I used was not ideal for this effect and I think it is the main factor to why the effect turned out so poorly. I copied the technique from a Youtube video and their final product looks a lot better than mine and that is because he used a different image.
I also never changed the background of the CD cover and the text is also hard to read. I did not think that I could find anyway to make this effect look professional on a CD cover as I didn't produce the effect well and the image was not ideal.
Overall I think that I will attempt this effect again soon as I am not happy at all with the outcome of this CD cover. I don't think that it reflects what I can do so I need to do myself justice and attempt this technique again, as I think if I can get it right; this will be a technique I will consider using for my CD cover.
Text on fire Effect

This is the third and the final Photoshop effect that I attempted, I think this is the effect that ended up with the best finishing product. Despite the fact that it looks nothing like it is on fire.
As well as including my effect on the text I applied a filter to the image so that the text stands out more on the CD cover.
This was the effect that I managed to complete the most effectively as I followed a step by step guide well and did not fall behind like on the other effects.
Overall I think that this CD cover is the best I have done using a Photoshop effect, however I don't think I would use this for my final piece. That is because my group have decided that we are going with a black and white theme and this effect would not suit the theme.
I think that the order of the effects above is the order I would place them in, with the first being the worst and the last being the best. I don't think that all of the products truly show what I can do on Photoshop and that is why I am going to attempt the Dispersion effect again.
This effect in particular as it is the only effect that I believe I will be able to use for either my CD cover or tour poster whilst sticking with the black and white theme we said we would use. I have also produced another CD cover and tour poster without using Photoshop effects that look a lot better and more professional than the pieces I have created using effects.
So I think I will need to create a better looking CD cover or tour poster using a Photoshop effect, I have seen a few effects on Youtube I think would look good whilst matching our theme. I plan on attempting these techniques in preparation for producing our final CD cover and tour poster, so I know that there are a few effects I can put forward to my group to create the best products that we can.