The picture shows the make up that will be used to make me look beaten up. Firstly wax is needed (white tub) to produce the cuts on my face and the white scalpel is used to spread out the wax to make the cut look realistic. Secondly is the box with the colours inside, this is used to make the black eye that I will have and to make the red swelling that will be around my cuts.
Lastly is the black bottle which contains the fake blood and the brushes are used to apply the fake blood to my cuts and to apply the red swelling around the cuts.

The cuts on my face are in places where we thought I would have been punched and kicked, and the blood dripping down the cut on my nose makes it look recent. When we film there will be blood dripping out of all the cuts to make it look like it has just happened.
I think that the make up is top quality and helps us make our music video the way that we want to.
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