Thursday, 22 January 2015

Tour Poster and CD packaging Questionnaire


  1. • Hi Connor these look great.
    In areas I think there needs to be a yes answer too. You may discuss colour theory.
    • Most people will not know about codes and conventions so I believe this question may be a bit daunting for the majority as a question unless you have a lead in.
    • Genre question again is a little difficult for most so remember is the questionnaire designed for the mass market or are you targeting media students for feedback?
    • Be aware of who you are targeting here Connor - read over and you will understand what I mean.
    • I look forward to reading/ watching your evaluation.

    Mrs McD-H

  2. These questions have been asked to people who understand codes and conventions as well as what a genre is. However I understand what you mean and will look over the questions.

  3. Thanks Connor that will be really useful especially when you are discussing in your evaluation.
    Mrs McD-H
